Tu stii prea bine ca timpul ne-a schimbat
Dar inima nu uita tot ce s-a-ntamplat
Ciudat cum de la atata iubire am ajuns straini
Ciudat cum tot ne spunem atatea si cand nu vorbim.
In ochii tai citesc iubire
Ca in anii trecuti
Stii, poti sa pleci de langa mine
Dar nu poti sa ma uiti
Scriem povesti despre iubire
Ca in anii trecuti
Stii, poti sa pleci de langa mine
Dar nu poti sa ma uiti
Adorm si visez ca e adevarat
Car cum sa te uit cand tu nu m-ai uitat
Ciudat cum de la atata iubire am ajuns straini
Ciudat cum tot ne spunem atatea si cand nu vorbim.
Urasti iubirea cand iti amintesti
Ca nu poti sa ma uiti
Urasti atat de mult ca ma iubesti
Si nu poti sa ma uiti
Amintiri unesc suflete-n noapte
Cand inimi vorbesc in soapte
Vorbesc in soapte
Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update "FreshlyBaked" playlist every Wednesday while "SuperWeekend" is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here, so tune in and enjoy it!