Massage|Massage Therapist|Massages|Sports|Athlete|
Amanda's Mini Day Spa
Address: 4 Sally Dr, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Phone: (314) 467-076 Full Body Massage therapy is the manipulating of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, designed to increase circulation and enhance function. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, or feet. In professional settings massage involves the client being treated while lying on a massage table, sitting in a massage chair, or lying on a shiatsu mat on the floor
The service I provide is basically for relaxation and relief of muscular tension. Massage Therapy Bodywork should not be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that you should contact your | Personal Physician, | Athletic trainer | AT | Chiropractor | Doctor of Chiropractic | Physical therapy | PT | Certified Personal Trainer | CPT | or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment of which you are aware of. Because massage/ bodywork should not be performed under certain medical conditions .............................
Massage Saint Louis| Regional| North America|United States| Missouri| Saint Louis Missouri USA St. Louis, Missouri (US County) USA, Missouri (US State) United States Of America